October 2021

Reversal Of Fortune

As Canada, the United States and China battled over Meng Wanzhow’s extradition, her company — Huawei — underwent a reversal of fortune. David Olive writes: Huawei has always insisted that…

Dougie Dimes Us.

Ontario premier Doug Ford must think he is John D. Rockefeller. That was the Rockefeller who built Standard Oil of New Jersey into the industrial bemouth of today. It was…

Old Habits Hard to Kick

We’re on our third Liberal government. Long on promises but lagging on delivery. Despite all the grand pledges at the 2015 Paris climate summit governments are still slipping more than…

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Smriti Mallapaty reports on new research suggesting that vaccines provide only partial protection against the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19. Sarath…

Johnson’s Sour Paradise

Yesterday, I wrote that some Republicans are playing dumb because it gives them a perceived political advantage — until it doesn’t. Britain has its own version of feckless Republicans. Currently,…

Life’s hard truths

I am reluctantly coming around to the conclusion that I may never get to be principal dancer in Stravinsky’s Le Sacre Du Printemps with the Moscow Ballet Company in my…

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