October 2021

A House Divided

There have been a number of American pundits predicting that the Republicans will retake control of the Senate next year and add the House and the presidency in 2024 in…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Thomas Saunders discusses how COVID-19 transmission through schools is resulting in effectively a separate epidemic among children and parents. Kathy Eagar offers a…

Just How Dumb?

Eugene Robinson asks an important question: How dumb can a nation get and still survive? In the United States these days, dumb is everywhere: Our elected representatives in the U.S.…

Thursday Morning Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Carrie Tait reports on the spate of readmissions of COVID-19 patients to Alberta hospitals, while Zak Vescera points out the large number…

Just A Quick Note

If you saw yesterday’s post, you might want to go back to it for some updates. The tale is not quite as straightforward as originally reported, but, I think, still…

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