October 2021

Halloween’s Best

This the greatest Halloween decoration I’ve ever seen…. pic.twitter.com/V4G5kS5le0 — Jordan? (@Idontknowyoucuh) October 15, 2021 Give them something good to eat: Animals at the Chester Zoo enjoy some Halloween treats.…

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Fiona Harvey reports on the warning from climate scientists that a 1.5 degree target is non-negotiable. Adam Tooze explains why we shouldn’t…

A Former Radical?

Canada’s new environmental watch dog and global warming minister, Steven Guilbeault is described by Wikipedia as a former radical. There will be many Canadians anxiously waiting to see what he…

Running On Empty

In September, inflation hit 4.4%. The Conservatives are blaming Justin Trudeau. They say it’s the 1970’s all over again. But Paul Krugman sees things through a much wider lens: It’s…

Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – PressProgress offers a timeline of Saskatchewan’s fourth wave of COVID-19 (and the choices by Scott Moe which precipitated it), while Arthur White-Crummey reports…

On Burnout

Dr. Alok Kanojia is a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction treatment. His videos are fantastic for some everyday issues as well, like this one on burnout. The most impactful line…

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