June 2021


Here is Bell‘s lead lobbyist and CEO in a secret meeting with Ian Scott, the head of the ⁦‪CRTC‬⁩. Scott has had more than 75 such meetings with Bell, Rogers…

McKenna Retires

Catherine McKenna won’t be running in the next federal election. Susan Delacourt writes that after the abuse she has endured, her decision is not surprising: The woman who made her…


A $28.5 million Catholic church is built while ‘there’s no money’ for a $25 million settlement for First Nations people in Saskatchewan. The time has come to take away what…

Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Lauren Pelley surveys the latest on COVID-19 – including the reality that viral variants and different affected populations are resulting in it presenting…

But Is There A Will?

I was reading Owen’s blog yesterday, in which he cites Robin Sears’ view that, as Britain did during WW11, Canada needs to build back better post-pandemic. I am a skeptic…

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