April 2021

Fuel on a fire

I understand why people gaining direct financial rewards support the Peace River megaproject. But it is harder to explain why rational and, we hope, honest cabinet ministers stay attached to…

Free Nelson Mandela

Who says rock ‘n’ roll and pop music can’t improve the political consciousness? In my final year of journalism the Carleton, and in my first year of law school in…

Testing at Ghost

Much has been broken over the last months, and since the upgrade to a business level account and domains, these blogs have been nothing but a PITA. Nothing has made…

Law Tweet of the Day: April 30, 2021

#LegalTweetoftheDay: Ontario MPP Randy Hillier charged after organizing anti-lockdown rally via @CBCNews – Garry J. Wise, Toronto Visit our Toronto Law Office website: www.wiselaw.net Visit our website: www.wiselaw.net

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Miquel Oliu-Barton, Bary Pradelski, Philippe Aghion, Patrick Artus, Ilona Kickbusch, Jeffrey Lazarus, Devi Sridhar and Samantha Vanderslott examine how strategies aimed at eradicating…

Kudos to Maria Ressa

Among the numerous seriously unpleasant men leading countries in the world today, Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, must be included. Perhaps his most odious policy is his support for…

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