October 2020

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Andrea Doucet, Sophie Mathieu and Lindsey McKay make the case for a parental leave system which improves accessibility and wage replacement rates to…

On The Edge

Everyone knows that Donald Trump lies. But lately, Paul Krugman writes, Trump’s lies are qualitatively different: On Tuesday the White House science office went beyond Trump’s now-standard claims that we’re…

The Good Government.

While Americans remain mired in arguing the seriousness of the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus, Canadians are basking in the benevolence of government largess to help fight it. Seeing finance minister…

I Have My Doubts

Max Boot writes that it’s time to destroy the Republican Party: I have watched with incredulity the GOP’s descent into collective madness. Many Republicans I know began by holding their…

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