May 2020

Sunday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Jason Warick reports on the concern of doctors that Scott Moe’s insistence on reducing protections against the spread of COVID-19 doesn’t take…

The future, no future

The New York Times‘ Frank Bruni is the writer I’ll never be. Here, in its entirety, is his column in today’s paper, about the woman above, the one who foresaw…

If We’re Wise

The coronavirus has shown us who our “essential workers” are. Robin Sears asks: What community, with any pretence of fairness or equity, deems it acceptable to pay its essential workers…

Bitcoin not accepted

One of my books came out just before 9/11. Another one came out just before the pandemic hit. For my next book, I am accepting a billion dollars not to…

Oh my.

A Message from President George W. Bush@TheCalltoUnite — George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) May 2, 2020

May 2: The final war? When are Canadians (and Americans and British and more than a few others) going to get fed up with letting the super-rich get off every year with billions of…

A Tale Of Two Countries

Each night I allow myself a half-hour dose of news from an American perspective, usually NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. And every night I emerge from the experience immensely…

Saturday Morning Links

This and that for your Saturday reading. – Ed Yong writes about the many complexities surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, including how much we have left to figure out before being…

On incentive structures

Sure, this is one possible interpretation of the choices facing low-income parents whose school and child care have been taken away: This is heartbreaking: One family decided to voluntarily put…

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