May 2020

May 30: Yes, things can get worse. This is not just a couple of days rioting. It’s one aspect, just one of many, of a U.S. that is collapsing. And it’s not just a matter…

Take off, eh!

Dear Bob and Doug, Please take off, eh! Yours,@CAFinUS — Canadian Forces in ?? (@CAFinUS) May 30, 2020 Not sure if anyone in the States will appreciate this but…

America’s Broken Contract

Trevor Noah certainly has a way of putting things into perspective. H/t Marie Snyder (2/2) Trevor on George Floyd and the Minneapolis protests: “If you felt unease watching that Target…

From Alabama To Washington

Fifty years ago, American cities were burning. Today, history is rhyming and Donald Trump is tweeting, “When the looting starts the shooting starts.” Max Boot writes: Consciously or not, Trump…

Friday Afternoon Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Fiona Harvey writes that as we rebuild after the coronavirus pandemic, there’s no reason to pretend that prosperity requires continued reliance on greenhouse…

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