October 2019

Legally Adulting in Toronto

Last night, WISE LAW’S Legally Adulting community seminar came to Creeds Coffee Bar on Dupont Street in downtown Toronto. Our interactive, Legally Adulting seminars occur monthly at various locations accross…

Earthgauge News – Oct. 29, 2019

https://earthgauge.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/mixdown-2019-10-29.mp3 Environmental news podcast featuring stories from across Canada and around the world. Broadcast every other Tuesday at 12:00 noon EST on CKCU radio 93.1 FM in Ottawa or online…

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Vrishti Beniwal writes about Abhijit Banerjee’s call to put concentrated wealth to better social use by taxing it. – Yutaka Dirks interviews…

An Open Question

Michael Harris writes that Andrew Scheer will have to go. Canadians know he’s a fraud: I don’t know what Scheer’s vacuous grin was supposed to convey during the campaign. But…

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