October 2019

Oct. 31: Oh, a long, long day.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/greta-thunberg-nordic-prize-1.5340672 Oh, Greta, if only you were old enough to be prime minister….________________________________________________________________ http://rabble.ca/columnists/2019/10/canadas-conservatives-republicans-or-tories The Conservatives have long taken a position that the CBC news network (owned by all of…

Woke, schmoke

Two things, woke folks. One, I read this with extreme interest, because in recent days, quite a few folks have “canceled” Yours Truly for, you know, (a) doing opposition research…

New column day

Here, on the problems with the Saskatchewan Party’s mismanagement which deserve far more attention than Scott Moe’s attempts to pick fights with the federal government for show – including the…

You’ve Been Warned

A Happy Halloween warning from Bringing Integrity To Christian Homemakers: pic.twitter.com/6dQ6hDEpQH — Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) October 31, 2019 Recommend this Post

Lousy Republicans

As the Conservatives analyze the reasons for their defeat, Duncan Cameron writes, they will have to confront a fundamental question: Who, exactly, are they? Scheer is not a Canadian Conservative…

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