July 2019

Tour de France 2019

Tour de France. Like the World Cup of soccer, the best of sports on a global scale. Or as my grade 8 teacher, Brother Victor, once referring to soccer as…

Sunday Morning LInks

This and that for your Sunday reading. – James Cairns discusses why socialism is seeing a resurgence in popularity, particularly among younger citizens who see little reason for hope in…

The Great Reckoning

Andrew Bacevich writes that there’s a Great Reckoning coming. The device he uses for his argument is “a remnant of a manuscript, discovered in a vault near the coastal town…

Why your vote matters.

One of the most specious arguments by people trying to promote proportional representation voting in government is that of the ‘wasted vote.’ They are suggesting that in first-past-the-post voting, if…

July 27:A bad, bad day.

A reader sent a post to this site requesting information. However, the site given by the reader does not seem to exist._______________________________________________________________ This is a profoundly depressing day for me…

2019: What A Year So Far

With the Arctic now on fire, and the pace of climate change accelerating rapidly, even the dimmest or most ideologically bent amongst us must realize the peril we are in,…

Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Norm Farrell examines some of the root causes of a political system which lavishes benefits on the wealthy while neglecting people who actually…

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