July 2019

Wednesday Morning Links

This and that for your mid-week reading. – Noah Smith writes about the unfairness and inaccuracy in blaming people for finding themselves in poverty. And Sarah Kaine and Emmanuel Josserand…

Adieu, Warren

That didn’t last long. The Green Party has severed its ties to Warren Kinsella. Susan Delacourt reports that: Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has wound down a controversial working relationship…

July 30: A bad, bad day.

https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/shifting-ground Don’t worry. There is no climate change. If there were, the Conservative Party would have told us._________________________________________________________________https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/being-china-support-hong-kong-carrie-lam-protests-1.5228707 I think ( I very much fear) that China is going to…

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