May 2019

How Supple Are They?

I hope, for the sake of their well-being, that each loyal soldier in the Doug Ford regime has a gym membership they regularly use. Otherwise, I fear they will sustain…

The Clown President

Donald Trump’s naked disregard for the law has been a long time coming. Chris Hedges writes: This decades-long disregard by the two major political parties for the rule of law…

May 09: VERY dangerous times This one is very, very dangerous. It’s also without any excuse.Until shortly after World War Two, Iran was controlled by British oil companies. It was a dictatorship. And it…

The Cost of Dirty Money

British Columbia’s oh-so-Liberal government earned a reputation for looking the other way on certain criminal activity, especially money-laundering. That’s Asian money-laundering. Dirty money spirited out of Asia, mainly China, and…

Thursday Morning Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Edward Keenan writes about the chaos being created by Doug Ford’s reckless and thoughtless slashing of crucial public services. CTV reports on…

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