March 2019

March 28: A lesson in capialism To understand all this, it might help to look at the British Empire in India and China. Why did the British go to all the trouble of conquering those…

Elizabeth May at UofR

2 weeks ago Elizabeth May was in Regina at the University and gave the following speech. In it she covered everything from our failed public transportation systems, to SNC-Lavalin’s punishment…

Thursday Morning Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Robert Borosage discusses why we shouldn’t let conveniently one-sided calls for civility silence debate over progressive possibilities. And Alex Ballingall reports on…

Duller And Duller

If you’re looking for rationality and consistency, don’t look to Doug Ford. Yesterday, Environmental Commissioner Dianne Saxxe left her job as Ford shut down her agency. Martin Regg Cohn writes:…

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