March 2019

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Ed Finn writes that the Trudeau PMO’s interference on behalf of SNC-Lavalin confirms Canada’s plutocratic rule under Libs and Cons alike. And…

A Teachable Moment

The waves generated by the SNC-Lavalin fiasco continue to rock the current government. But, beyond the moment, there are lessons for the future. Jaime Watt writes: Lisa Raitt, deputy leader…

Much ado about nothing?

Does anyone believe that most, if not all, large national and international companys seeking to do business with overseas entities such as Saudi Arabia do not provide ‘incentives’ to the…

Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Crawford Kilian reviews Richard Johnston’s Canadian Party System: An Analytic History, and in the process points out how a sensible federal political system…


OFSTED recently published a report on what works in schools. Some of the ideas were relevant only to the U.K., but other ideas can be used here. They studied schools…

Corporate Corruption

With corrupt corporate practices so much in the news these days, thanks to the Trudeau government’s attempts at subverting justice for SNC Lavalin, I couldn’t help but be struck by…

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