March 2019

The SNC Tapes

Late this afternoon we finally got to see the documents that Jody Wilson-Raybould submitted to the House of Commons Justice Committee in regard to the SNC/PMO Scandal. Given that the…

#LavScam shocker: she has tapes

Boom. Materials submitted to the Commons Justice Committee this week indicate Jody Wilson-Raybould recorded at least one of the contentious conversations at the heart of the SNC-Lavalin affair, multiple sources…

Magical Recruitment

When most people think about government ministries, many well earned stereotypes come to mind. People think about long lines, fees, being passed from person to person to person, and normally…

Corporate Extortion

Two noteworthy revelations in the SNC-Lavalin scandal have come to light. The first deals with impropriety, and the second with what can only be called corporate extortion. First, The Star…

Nader On Trump

Ralph Nader doesn’t pull his punches. He’s not impressed with the Mueller Report: What a farce and distraction this whole exercise turned out to be! Mueller’s assigned subject was Trump.…

Promises, promises

LNG plants will only be constructed in BC if the province provides unprecedented subsidies and tax relief. Inducements include natural gas that is essentially free of royalties and other levies,…

Walls Fail Us.

The last time we dealt with the subject of walls, we received a scholarly comment from a monarchist on the efficacy and history of the Great Wall of China. Since…

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