January 2019

Evangelical Hypocrisy

It’s more than ironic that Jerry Falwell Jr. is one of Donald Trump’s strongest supporters. Christine Emba writes in The Washington Post: On New Year’s Day, Liberty University President Jerry…

Why Trump wins

The average human attention span was 12 seconds in 2000 and eight seconds in 2013. A drop of about 33 per cent. Trump doesn’t merely understand this. He is this.…

Jan. 5: The bottomless pit….

https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/torrance-california-bowling-alley-shooting-1.4967245 Wow! The killers must have been them there migrant women and children from Central America. I mean, Americans never shoot each other._________________________________________________________________ For the last couple of days, I’ve…

On Taxing the Rich

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshest Democrat to hit the White House, is making headlines for mimicking the dance sequence from The Breakfast Club back in college, and wanting to raise marginal…

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