October 2018

Earthgauge Radio – October 2, 2018

https://earthgauge.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/mixdown-18-10-02.mp3 Environmental news podcast featuring stories from across Canada and around the world. Broadcast every other Tuesday at 12:00 noon EST on CKCU radio 93.1 FM in Ottawa or online…

Look up, Mr. Premier-elect

One of the first things François Legault said, after he won the Quebec election, was this: François Legault, the premier-designate of Quebec, says he will invoke the notwithstanding clause to…

Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Laurie MacFarlane writes that flows of income and wealth have everything to do with bargaining power and social decision-making, rather than productivity…

Fifteen years

And it happened partly because we had a great leader who was humble enough to know when his time was up, and a campaign manager who did not believe winning…

Carbox Taxes

It’s disconcerting to see how conservatives tout ideas — until other people implement them. Then they go on a tear and furiously reject them. Mitt Romney developed a health insurance…

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