October 2018

Earthgauge News – October 29, 2018

https://earthgauge.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/oct30-mixdown.mp3 Environmental news podcast featuring stories from across Canada and around the world. Broadcast every other Tuesday at 12:00 noon EST on CKCU radio 93.1 FM in Ottawa or online…

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Mark Kaufman puts our continually-rising greenhouse gas emissions in historical context, with atmospheric concentrations exceeding what they’ve been in the previous 15 million…

Kenny’s War

If you want a look into the near future, take a look at Alberta, where Jason Kenny is in the process of setting up a “war room.” Gillian Stewart writes:…

On Personal Hypocrisy

“The price of admission to the climate-change battle is hypocrisy.” I interpret those words, as best as I remember them from a book on climate change I recently read, as…

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