August 2018

August 2:The New Brunswick Disaster

Okay. Change of plans. It looks as though Saturday is the day I’ll be frolicking in the waves. So I’m likely to have no blog that day.______________________________________________________________…

New column day

Here, examining David Macdonald’s latest report on wealth concentration in Canada – and the availability of more ambitious solutions than what’s been on offer in most recent political debates. For…

Toronto Tax™

Listened to a bit of the interview of NDP mayoral candidate Jennifer Keesmaat this morning on John Moore’s indispensable radio program. She said she favours a Toronto sales tax. I…

Ontario News Now

There’s a new news channel on the block. It’s called Ontario News Now. It is owned and operated by the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party — and funded by Ontario taxpayers.…

Was Innis Wrong?

The question is taken from the title of an article by Nancy Olewiler of Simon Fraser University in the Canadian Journal of Economics (November 2017), which, as it happens, was…

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