April 2018

Where Is The Walk?

Justin Trudeau’s increasing propensity for talking the talk but not walking the walk has been noticed by the anti-poverty organization One Campaign, led by Trudeau’s good ‘friend,’ U2’s Bono, in…

New column day

Here, on the Trudeau Libs’ biased approach to the Trans Mountain expansion – and the need to take a fair look now, rather than allowing Kinder Morgan to dictate timelines…

The women-haters

From next week’s column in the Hill Times. Twenty-nine years earlier: it is around four o’clock in the afternoon, on a bitterly-cold Wednesday. I am a lawyer at an Ottawa…

Shaggy mop nap

In Sketcha, using the ballpoint pen tool – far more scribbling than I usually do, but drawing her high highness’ shaggyness requires some different approaches.

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