April 2018

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Quirks & Quarks examines the potentially devastating effects of a dilbit spill on British Columbia’s coast. And David Climenhaga warns that Kinder Morgan…

Don’t Believe It

California Governor Jerry Brown visited Ontario this week. He’s worried that the province will back track on its promise to fight climate change. Tom Walkom writes: The governor has harnessed…

Words Versus Deeds

Our Prime Minister, always keen to appear as a progressive on the international stage, is decidedly less so at home, as recent events are demonstrating. Another reminder of the gross…

Missing Monbiot

George Monbiot rose to fame and acclaim as The Guardian’s fearless enviro-scribe, eventually expanding into a broader societal punditry. This scribe would eagerly await Monbiot’s next offering to see what…

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