December 2017

When All Else Fails

… claim voter fraud. That is what the notoriously graceless Alabama loser and alleged pedophile Roy Moore is asserting, as he steadfastly maintains that he didn’t lose the election to…

Dionne On Democracy

As the year comes to an end, E.J. Dionne writes a meditation on Democracy. He starts with first principles: In embracing democracy, as the historian James Kloppenberg has written, we…

Not All That Surprising

Given the downright insanity that seems to pervade American evangelical circles, and given their habit of richly perverting the message of Christ, I am really not surprised that a disproportionate…

Segal’s Right

I admire Hugh Segal. He has always had the courage to speak truth to power. In this morning’s Globe and Mail he advocates welcoming the many Haitians who are presently…

New column day

Here, on how Donald Trump is just one of far too many politicians trying to undercut needed counterbalances in the media, political systems and civil society. For further reading…– Rem…

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