August 2017

Leadership 2017 Links

The latest from the federal NDP’s leadership campaign. – Althia Raj reports on the final membership numbers for the leadership campaign announced this week, showing a similar number of eligible…

On Antifa Methods

It’s not just Tina Fey who’s getting lambasted for promoting this position, “I really want to say, to encourage all good sane Americans, to treat these rallies this weekend like…

New column day

Here, on how simultaneous leadership campaigns in both of Saskatchewan’s main parties seem unlikely to spark much new interest or discussion due to the familiar players and strategies involved. For…

Berlin, Sponge City

Germany’s capital is becoming a sponge to stop flooding. It might seem counterintuitive to want to gather more water in order to stay dry, but that’s exactly the plan. Currently…

No Orange Crush

Quebec politics have always been mercurial. What has applied for a decade can be reversed in the next decade. And so it is that, in la belle province, the NDP…

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