July 2016

Mildly Angry Max

The latest Mad Max movie isn’t so much about Max as it is about the political-feminist message of the film. Max himself seems somewhat perturbed, sometimes cross, but not really…


Didn’t make it to the parade in time (damn traffic), but made it to a photo booth in Brighton with Son Two, who – like all six of them –…

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading:- Ross Douthat (!) discusses the distinction between actual cosmopolitanism, and the global elitism that's instead come to dominate international power relations:Genuine cosmopolitanism is…

The Haze Sometimes Disappears

Tony Burman published an intriguing column in yesterday's Toronto Star. Given last week's fallout from the referendum, he believes that Britain and Europe may patch up their differences:That astonishing thought…

Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading.- Danny Dorling writes about the importance of empathy and kindness in establishing the basis for a more equal society:When you cannot empathise with another…

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