July 2016

School Daze

Nation, the dog-whistle of “politicians determining what’s taught in schools!” has reared its ugly head again. Much like “politicians deciding their own salaries”, “politicians determining what’s taught in schools” is…

School Daze

Nation, the dog-whistle of "politicians determining what's taught in schools!" has reared its ugly head again.Much like "politicians deciding their own salaries", "politicians determining what's taught in schools" is one…

School Daze

Nation, the dog-whistle of "politicians determining what's taught in schools!" has reared its ugly head again.Much like "politicians deciding their own salaries", "politicians determining what's taught in schools" is one…

New column day

Here (via PressReader), on the impending premiers' summit - and the need for any new deal on internal trade to recognize that provinces have to maintain the ability to foster…

Deny All You Want

But it will not alter the truth. Despite anthropogenic-climate-change denier Marco Rubio's publicly professed befuddlement over the causes of the toxic algae blooms in Florida and elsewhere, the answers are…

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