An Inse Suggestion

In my morning post, I reprinted the following letter from The toronto Star: With Stephen Harper’s Conservatives intent to push science back to medieval times, it may be time for…

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content for your Friday reading. – Mariana Mazzucato discusses how inequality and financialization have teamed up to create an economy with little upside and serious risks for most people:…

In Whose Pocket?

https://www.colourbox.com/ We on the Left like to think that the Harper government is in the pocket of Big Business. But, Jim Stanford writes, recent decisions have caused business to re-evaluate…

New column day

Here, on how we’ll soon be seeing both federal and provincial governments alike try to block out their real history with glossy ad campaigns – and why we shouldn’t let…

2015: Day Two

H/t The Toronto Star Well, it is good to know that Star letter-writers have lost none of their edge over the holiday season. Responding to the paper’s recent editorial lacerating…


Almost a decade. I take a lot of photos of Mallory. And each in each one I see a child who is so grown up. It’s always been like that.…

A look at Israel

With the coming election in Israel, I thought it might be wise to introduce those unfamiliar with the country to Israel; in particular it’s people, it’s politics, and some of…

The Void #nlpoli

For its last editorial of 2014,  the Telegram decided to discuss the fate of the province’s New Democrats. A quick summary:  things were good for the Dippers.  Now things are…

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