April 2015

April 27:Blah

It’s hard to write every day on a paper that usually has nothing to say. Big headline – “Downtown centre funding to be based on ‘evidence,’ says minister. (Actually, the…

Frontenac Export Ale

On De L’Eglise near Cool. Can’t find a lot of information about it but the brewery was in Montreal and closed in the 1970’s. Don’t recall ever hearing about it…

Canada’s Oily Media

There are opportunities to support journalism in Canada that doesn’t take millions from the oil industry and the oil-soaked Conservative government. Had you heard that the Conservative Party communicated with…

He Needs Another Closet

https://pilzylee.wordpress.com/ When it comes to shifting blame, Stephen Harper is a past master. Last week, in the House of Commons, he suggested that Mike Duffy made an inaccurate claim about…

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