April 2015

Great line of the day

From Liberal finance critic Scott Brison, remarking on the Auditor-General report: “A Liberal government will restore evidence-based decision-making and replace Harper’s decision-based evidence-making,” Brison said.” Decision-based evidence-making. Yes, that’s exactly…

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Louis-Philippe Rochon reviews the Cons’ track record as irresponsible economic and financial managers. Statistics Canada looks at the debt picture facing Canadians and…

Careful words

Note the careful words, words that are worthy of a former Prime Ministerial spokesweasel: “I deeply regret the ordeal this has been for my family,” he said. “There’s been no…

Keeping the TPP Under Wraps

https://campaigns.350.org/ If there is one thing that distinguishes the Harper government from its predecessors it’s an obsession with secrecy. And that obsession is glaringly apparent in Mr. Harper’s refusal to…

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