Ezra Deletes
Before he deleted them like a coward, here’s everything @ezralevant tweeted about Christopher Peloso: http://t.co/N6K6Mb6y4t #topoli— Ian MacIntyre (@MrIanMacIntyre) December 31, 2013 Pretty loathsome stuff, as per usual with The…
Before he deleted them like a coward, here’s everything @ezralevant tweeted about Christopher Peloso: http://t.co/N6K6Mb6y4t #topoli— Ian MacIntyre (@MrIanMacIntyre) December 31, 2013 Pretty loathsome stuff, as per usual with The…
Got the motorcycle ready to go out for a spin today. I’ll wait until afternoon when the temp is expected to reach 7C. Ordinarily I’d prefer 10C but, hey, it…
From all of us at OpenMedia, we wish you a very happy new year! There’s a lot going on this year, starting with renewed TPP negotiations in January that could…
On January 1, 2013, I was still in library school, and working as a library page. Allan’s book proposal was still sitting on a publisher’s desk. We were living at…
The door is closing on incandescent light bulbs. As of today manufacturers can no longer supply the Canadian market with 75- and 100-watt bulbs. Retailers will be permitted to sell…
With the dawning of 2014, may the new year see increasing numbers of Canadians who: REJECT the Conservative Party of Canada and its efforts to excise the heart and soul…
They may not plan to retire in Thailand yet that’s where they might wind up. The cost and quality of care for those afflicted with Alzheimer’s at home is creating…
If there was any doubt about where Australian prime minister Tony Abbott stands on climate change, his mouthpiece top business advisor erased it. Maurice Newman, chair of Abbott’s Business Advisory…
Do you have a toddler or an Elderly Resident in your home? Are you worried about those nasty Sharp Corners on coffee tables? Well, worry no more! New and improved*…
Well it's hard to believe that I survived another year in Harperland. Because 2013 was such a brutal year, I sometimes wondered whether I was still living in Canada eh?But…
Happy New Years Wish: Adult Autism Residential Care in New Brunswick Dear Honourable Premier Alward, Honourable Ministers, Members of the Legislature, Party Leaders, Civil Servants and Media: I am respectfully…
Expect the new faces of Canadian politics to be young faces – like those of Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson, 34, shown above with some clapped-out old geezer, and Manitoba MP…