Hello neglected readers. This was a very popular blog site at one time. I went into a job based out of Fort McMurray with the oil sands industry that made…
Hello neglected readers. This was a very popular blog site at one time. I went into a job based out of Fort McMurray with the oil sands industry that made…
Hello neglected readers. This was a very popular blog site at one time. I went into a job based out of Fort McMurray with the oil sands industry that made…
Puzzle or Misreading? Stagnation, Austerity and Left Politics | The Bullet No. 920. That the many attempts to theorize the crisis of 2008, the deepest crisis since the Depression, have…
Let’s hope this is the beginning of a trend. Recommend this Post Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Austerity, Capitalism, crisis, finance
Happy New Years greetings to Progressives all across Canada!!
Facebook bombarded me with everyone’s highlights of 2013 this morning, and I was struck with the urge people have to track the value of time spent by listing stuff they…
We don’t know what will make headlines in 2014. After all, most political predictions are about as accurate as a Forum poll. So I won’t try to guess how 2014…
If Time Magazine can choose a person of the year, I can choose two: a man and a woman. The woman, of course, is Malala Yousafzai, the courageous young Pakistani…
Chris Hedges taps into a vein of widespread anger to call for the overthrow of America’s malignant speculators. Money, as Karl Marx lamented, plays the largest part in determining the…
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Polly Toynbee discusses how the public shares in the responsibility for a political class oriented toward easily-discarded talking points rather than honest discussion:…
I had one of those odd dreams recently; a crazy mix of future and past, where rotary dial phones and smart phones co-existed, where past and future intersected. A retro-future…
The sun is shining on the snow on this New Year’s morning 2014. Best wishes to you all. If you missed this, here’s the blog with our holiday news.
Chris Hedges has a suggestion for anyone searching for a New Year’s resolution: overthrow the speculators. His targets are the big banks, whose reach is global and who brought the…
Imagine your municipal property tax bill being reduced by almost 25%. Impossible? Not if we shift one of our biggest municipal costs off of the backs of taxpayers, and pass…
An Australian-led team of researchers reports that we’ve underestimated the heating effect of carbon dioxide emissions which suggests we’re heading for a 4C future. Report authors Steven Sherwood, Sandrine Bony…
You don’t need a crystal ball to guess, That 2014’s gonna be a political mess. Those city, province, federal hopefuls, Will make promises by the bucketfuls. Years of campaigns don’t…