August 2013

The Swerve

2500 years ago Lucretius gave us the modern world. We ignored him. Listen to The Swerve In 1417, a Renaissance scribe and book hunter discovered an ancient manuscript in a…

Saturday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your weekend reading. – Katie McDonough reports on new research showing the devastating effects of poverty on an individual’s ability to plan and function: According to researchers…

Beowulf, rediscovered?

Possibly a very cool discovery…. The background behind England’s earliest literary masterpiece, the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf, is being explored in a major archaeological investigation in Denmark. Sounds like it…

Filter madness

Where to start? What a mess this is. First, a photo shot through the window, a glance backward, from a train speeding through the south of Fance to Italy. The…

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