March 2013

Metcalfe – 95km

Since I’m so much later starting than last year, I figured I’d skip some of the normal, 40km or 60km startup rides. Why not hey? After all, I did more…

The Bitumen Cliff

The so-called “bitumen bubble”, the hollowing out of Alberta’s oil prices, has left the seemingly wealthy province with a staggering budget deficit of billions. With an economy now mostly dependent…


I am so sad to learn of his death. He used to say that he wanted to turn me into a New Democrat. With more guys like him, I’d say,…

We Are The 130,744

That’s how many souls registered to vote for the new LPoC leader, according to an email today from party president Mike Crawley. Being under 1/2 the 294,000 number touted several…

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