So, because I’m such a tech-geek at heart, I finally set up my very own server in my bedroom! It’s an Apache server (for those of you that know the lingo) and it’s a very cool package – it comes with MySQL, PHPNuke, phpMyAdmin, and a bunch of other cool packages. Therefore there’s little set-up involved – there’s a forum, music streaming, journal, etc etc all built-in… here’s the two links (feedback and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated – once I figure it out I’m going to transfer this blog to my own server so I have complete control):

Google ‘shortened’

Straight link:

Please let me know if there’s anything you think I should add. Anyone who knows any PHP or SQL, your advice and help is always appreciated 😉 once I figure it out, I’m going to host blogs and sites for other people (I have 30 different hostnames for free! And I can point them all to the same server.. pretty cool, I thought).

Anyway, other than that – HAPPY HOLIDAYS for those of you that celebrate them! Merry Christmas to those of you who, like me, were raised in a pseudo-Christian household that had all the holidays and none of the moral obligations 🙂

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes