The CPC want us to quit the UN. Yes, really.

The other day an acquaintance of mine, someone I have worked with for a number of years but isn’t a close friend – but someone I respect – gave me a pretty blunt appraisal of myself and my interactions with some people in the party. It was hard to hear, and yes I was angry at first. I even considered, briefly, quitting the party in a huff.

But that would have been stupid.

Because if we aren’t capable of hearing the hard truths about ourselves, then there is no opportunity for growth. If we aren’t willing to let those we point out our weaknesses, then we will never overcome those weaknesses. Sometimes, it is the job of those around us to hold a mirror up and say “this is who you are”. We don’t have to agree with them, but I think we should at least listen.

But apparently the Conservative Government doesn’t think the same should be true for Canada. In response to several criticisms leveled at Canada by the UN, a CPC MP is now demanding that we withdraw from the UN. Apparently the Government and its members are so sensitive to criticism that they would rather wall it off than simply disagree with it. (

This is not my Canada. My Canada doesn’t wall itself off from criticism. My Canada doesn’t avoid the tough issues, either at home or internationally. My Canada doesn’t stifle debate and claim that anyone who isn’t for us is against us. My Canada is not Stephen Harper’s Canada.

If you don’t recognize your Canada anymore, help the Liberal Party take back Canada by signing up to help us select our next leader. Your vote could help stop Harper in his tracks.

By bgrice

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes