Spread The Outrage, Link To Things You Hate

One of the amusing things you can learn from Blogger Stats is where your traffic comes from. Most of my traffic of late has been coming from the Land of Dipper via links from certain commentators on Rabble.ca which I guess is the new meeting place for the now defunct Blogging Dippers.

It’s kind of fascinating to see how furious people get and the irony here is my blog traffic is spiking because people who dislike what I’ve written can’t stay away. They link to what bugs them and say “Here’s something obnoxious someone wrote. Go look at it see how obnoxious it is. It will drive you crazy.” Then they all discuss how obnoxious they think it is and it’s a big mutual admiration society in the forums as everyone of a like mind agrees how much they hate what they hate.

Are we really so hard wired for hate? Is that the best we can come up with to talk about? Can we really only bond over what we despise? And I could be a hypocrite and say well, “It’s okay when I do it” but your perspective determines what you hate and whether you think you’re the reasonable one and everyone else is wrong, evil, dangerous and worth hating.

I think it’s worthwhile to examine the colours between black and white partisanship even if it’s more confusing and far less entertaining. If you’re too dogmatic, you’ll just bark the same tune forever. That’s easy and straightforward but we reached the tipping point of political polarization a while back and sometimes for your own mental health you have to resist the urge to link and just walk away. So instead of hating today let me just say…


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