A Pox On All Your Artificially Induced, Opinion Shaping, Self-Serving, Egomaniacal Infighting

In the interest of being my own game changer, I’m boycotting all manipulative provocateurs and the alarmist spin machines they rode in on. These folks are spoiling for a fight and they’re trying to egg the rest of us on to do the fighting for them. Why? Sometimes it’s just as simple as…because they can. Sometimes it serves a power agenda, a grudge, a faction, an ideology. Whatever the agenda of these so-called pundits, insiders, backroom power brokers, media spin doctors, bloggers, partisans, you can be assured that letting them provoke you to fight with your peers instead of building benefits them far more than it will ever benefit you. In fact, being manipulated by people with negative intentions is almost never anything but a recipe for self-immolation.

Partisan infighting is never about achieving anything meaningful or substantive or worthwhile for the rest of us. At the very least it is pot stirring, attention seeking, mischief-making and at worst it is cleverly designed to serve a specific, underhanded power agenda. Regardless, people who provoke and promote infighting offend my sense of reason and sanity so therefore I say, Be Gone!

Which is not to say that we shouldn’t disagree or vigorously debate each others ideas as long as we don’t annihilate each other in the process. So if you’d like to get some thought provoking commentary on the state of the LPC that will not make your blood boil or your hair stand on end, here are a couple of blogs I read regularly which are completely sane and guaranteed 100% Batshit Crazy Infighting Free:

BCer in Toronto:

Think beyond the short-term, beyond the next election or the current Conservative leader. Do we think a polarized political arena of left vs. right is what’s best for Canada? Or do we believe there needs to be a third voice, one not wedded to ideology, one that can offer practical, pragmatic solutions for our country and for its people, taking good ideas wherever they come from?


You could put me down as well as one of the 21% who think the party can be characterized as a party of the past. I don’t take that as a death sentence, however, as many Conservative and NDP partisans do as they tout it across Twitter as a proud new headline to disseminate. It’s an opportunity to vanquish such considerations. Take the nuggets but don’t be dismayed by the presentation.

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes