Odd behaviour from folks who object to the term “Israel firsters.” Just saying.
Shortly after the people’s mic began , the crowd of AIPAC attendees reacted forcefully. Some of them climbed over chairs to reach the demonstrators, and one of the disruptors, Rick Colbath-Hess, was violently yanked down to the floor by his necktie. After the mic-check, Laura Kacere of Occupy DC and Ridgely Fuller of CODEPINK and Occupy Boston both stood on top of chairs and chanted “Don’t bomb Iran!” The AIPAC crowd responded by singing the Israeli national anthem, led by Representative Ros-Lehtinen, and the were eventually escorted out.
Incidentally, they can sing whatever they want. Just don’t call people “anti-Israel” or even “anti-Semitic” for noticing.