We will not allow foreigners to interfere … | #EthicalOilBullshit #tarsands

Bahrain is us and we are Bahrain, we are the Arabs of the Arabian peninsula, and we should not and will not allow any foreigners interfere in our Arabian Peninsula.

— Arabnews.com, Editorial: Helping Bahrain, March 15, 2011 (reader comment)


We are within the laws passed by this Parliament, an elected Parliament, and we are not going to be belittled by any person who is on the payroll of foreigners.

— Kenya National Assembly Official Record June 8 – July 29, 1982



Deng Xiaoping: “Those countries like to come up with resolution after resolution about how interfere in our internal affairs. … Our people are not going to cower before foreign invasions or threats …

The Tiananmen Papers

 By Liang Zhang, Andrew J. Nathan, Perry Link, Orville Schell



” … foreign special interests and their deep pockets, and their puppet groups, who are trying to hijack and gum up a Canadian process … “

“Ethical OIl” spokesthingy Kathryn Marshall on the CBC’s Power and Politics, Jan. 12, 2012 


This is where we juxtapose, once again. Incidentally, do follow the link to the Emma Pullman piece on the connections between the “Ethical OIl” flimflammery and the Conservative Party.


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