Wow. Just … wow. I’ve seen talking dolls with those pull-strings on their backs respond more creatively than this. Where did she get the idea that evading a straightforward question and repeating talking points over and over again was the same thing as debating?
I never thought I’d see anyone make Ezra look good. Why hasn’t Sun Noise hired her yet?
… Klare provides a context for Oliver Oil’s comments about environmentalists and other “radicals.” If he and his cohort lump those opposed to domestic fossil fuel development in the same boat as an Iran threatening close access to the Persian then we have a bit of a problem. Oliver’s rhetoric looks like a trial balloon for some interesting shifts in Conservative rhetoric. As I told a friend a while ago that they’d ring the Tar Sands in tanks and wire, forcibly relocate communities, rather than kerb development. A government quite happy to let the police lock up a thousand people on a secret law, no time for democracy, a serious martial fetish, and a fanatical allegiance to a petrol economy could be a serious threat to a lot of Canadians if it starts painting them with certain brushes.
And finally:
A couple of wry observations from George Monbiot and Naomi Klein.
Related posts:
- Emma Pullman | Cozy Ties: Astroturf ‘Ethical Oil’ and Conservative Alliance to Promote Tar Sands Expansion
- Unethical oil and its Canadian friends | The Vancouver Observer | #EthicalOilBullshit #tarsands
- The #EthicalOil meme is pathetic PR bullshit | #cdnpoli #tarsands
- @wicary rules. That is all. | #tarsands