A story you won’t hear from the Usual Suspects.
In the grand scheme of things, of course, this anecdote is no more important than this one in assessing the realities of geopolitics, terrorism and the price of tea in China. What is perhaps striking is—once again—the relative inattention paid to the first (as of this writing, all of two hits in Google News).
The other incident, of course, would have garnered plenty of attention anyway—several people were killed—but the Muslim angle was immediately seized upon by the ‘phobes and became the story. (Despite his name and his Moroccan origin, however, killer wasn’t Muslim.)
Nonetheless, if a Muslim had acted according to stereotype on that plane to Kansas and been wrestled to the floor, would the coverage have been so scanty? I think we all know the answer to that.
[H/t ajs, b/c]