I loved this week’s Hill Times Spin Doctors question. The Greens have been outspoken on how Harper has undermined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty through a nuclear trade deal with India. We need to stop nuclear proliferation if we want global security, and this should be the focus of our anti-nuclear efforts – not mere sanctions against Iran.
Though the commitment has yet to be discussed in the House, Prime Minister Stephen Harper effectively announced Canada’s support and intent to match likely future sanctions against Iran, a country looking to become a nuclear state. Is this the right decision?
Harper might the talk, but the truth is that his government has spent years undermining the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which Canada is a signatory. Actions speak louder than words, and Harper’s actions show a blatant disregard for global security and world peace.
Nuclear technology is inherently dangerous because it is inextricably linked to nuclear weapons proliferation. Yet Canada continues to peddle nuclear technology around the world without adequate safeguards, even to countries with known nuclear weapons programs.
Notably, Harper has been pushing a nuclear trade deal with India. In the early 1970s, Canada built a heavy-water research reactor in India for civilian nuclear power application. The agreement to not utilize this technology for military purposes was violated and in 1974 India exploded its first nuclear bomb. Despite the history by India of violating agreements, Harper refuses to require that India sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a condition of the present deal. Re-opening nuke trade with India violated the Non-Proliferation treaty. At the time, Trade Minister David Emerson said India has been in “the penalty box long enough”.
Canada must play a greater and more honest role in global nuclear disarmament by recommitting to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and working toward the proposed Fissile Material Cut-Off treaty. Disarmament is vital to global security. The Greens condemn the actions of the Harper government, which undermine the treaties that protect us from the development of new nukes.
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