The news is all alight with the question of the day..
Should Rob Ford Apologize to the 9/11 operator?
But the thing that has made me go WTF? is this one…..Did Rob Ford, the dude who FEARS Marg Delahunty, (portrayed by Mary Walsh) swear at the 9/11 operator?
A police source said the mayor got impatient and called the 9-1-1 service a second time and got into a heated discussion with the dispatchers.
The source, who is familiar with the events, disagreed however with a CBC Radio report that said Mr. Ford had used profanities in his discussion with the dispatcher.
HUH? So the Globe and Mail publishes an anon statement, (yet another chickenshit) disputing another statement, and the gist is that what Ford did was perhaps not as bad, because he was simply abusive as opposed to dropping the FBomb?
Holy fuck.