Canada cannot just change its name like the tar sands did

With the TransCanada debacle now creeping into the headlines, almost exclusively because of the US protests, the word ‘Canada’ is being batted around like a football. It’s being kicked and abused with no end in sight. That is, until US president Obama makes the decision to go ahead or deny.

This is the type of damage we can expect for the duration of the Harper reign Canada is becoming a dirty word. It’s the tar that is dirty. It is not Canada. It is the Conservatives, Alberta and TransCanada. But it is us, Canadians, who will bear the wrath of the world for what Harper is doing to us. The TransCanada fiasco is just the beginning. The Conservatives have a lot dirty work up their sleeves. And that damage will last far longer than most Canadians know.

By Jymn

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