Soon to be Enemy No 1 |
Warning: full on rant, angst mode.
I told you it’s just a about sex and drugs.
Bill C-10, tabled in the Commons on Tuesday, combines nine separate bills that the Conservatives failed to enact into law during their minority government years but can now easily pass given their majority of seats in both the Commons and Senate.
It will rewrite laws on the production and possession of drugs, on young offenders, parole and house arrest, pardons and anti-terrorism, among others. In many cases, the Tories are increasing, or introducing, minimum sentences for offences – from possessing pot to bestiality to incest.
Opposition critics denounced the measures as retrograde and costly, but it was telling that few political rivals dared to criticize the legislation during Question Period, the main daily forum for attacking the government.
No MP relishes being labelled soft on crime.
It’s not fucking ‘soft on crime’, you ninny. That’s an easy meme to counter and one posed by the Conservatives, Mr. Simpson. Why not try using your own language sometime, eh bud? It’s such an easy meme to counter yet neither the Liberals nor the Dippers have the wherewithal to know what to say. Talking points, anyone? But we have the slick Cons, incompetent Liberals, neophyte Dippers and a whole lot of nothing.
What kind of people do we have in the NDP and the Liberals who let this happen? Who were too stupid or too cowardly (oooh, don’t ask me if I’m ‘soft on crime’, oooh) to put up a fight against the Cons’ well-run spin machine?
Con ads, intimidation and fearmongering won the election. We had nuthin’. Nada. Now we have less. Dippers and Libs fighting each other. Cons laughing all the way to the bible. We can do nothing. We are at the mercy of fools. On all sides.
Violent crime, my ass. Pleasure is the new number one crime.