A healthy mind can work wonders on a sick body,
and a healthy body can work wonders on a sick mind.
J. J. Goldwag
So after being overwhelmed, laid low, sucked dry, feeling poor, cranky, lethargic and just darn well out of sorts…I gotta say I am feeling better. Oh it is still a struggle trying to watch the diet so the irritable bladder doesn’t irritate and there is still the law breaking strata council in place and it is today raining and cloudy…but what the hey!
I am coping. And throughout the coping I learned a thing or two…
Yes even if the sun doesn’t shine for a year because of 2 months of smoke, and 10 months of cloudy rainy weather…life may be dreary…but a lick of new bright paint helps to lift the mood until the sun starts shining again….and when it does it is wonderful!
After becoming addicted to the National Geographic online puzzles that have you concentrating on things other than what is stressing you out I also learned that life, like when doing a puzzle has to be lived in a certain sequence…one piece needs to attach to another and in most cases you don’t see where it goes until the other piece is fitted. You gotta make a move to make the next move.
Learning to under-care (not give so much of a shit) is a battle but it helps the mental health. Not getting involved in non profit boards, not going outside except to go from the house to the car and the car to the house, cleaning up the facebook friends list… taking a pass at the news, all take a concerted effort to change the over caring ways but seem to helping the anxiety and feelings of under appreciation. Next got to work at a happy medium…getting a little more involved.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Oh and the best thing I found was that becoming a grandma and holding your little granddaughter is the most magical feeling in the world…now I like kids, I have held lots of babies….but no others including my own stole my heart so fast! Just looking at her makes my heart swell and soften and fills me with such peace and happiness. Who Knew!
A baby will make love stronger,
days shorter,
nights longer,
bank balance smaller,
home happier,
clothes dirty,
the past forgotten,
and the future worth living for.