The laughfest known as “the Tea Party Republican Debate” continues apace.
Candidate Michelle Bachmann was in especially fine form last night, hinting darkly at horrible side effects from the cancer-preventative HPV vaccine; theories which have long since been debunked and dwell on the ragged edge of politics in the murky conspiratorial caverns that house ideas like Birther– and Trutherism. But post-debate, Bachmann dug in her heels and doubled down on her absurd contention that the HPV vaccine might cause mental retardation.
Mrs. Bachmann said on NBC’s “Today” show on Tuesday that after Monday night’s debate in Tampa, Fla., a tearful mother approached her and said her daughter had suffered “mental retardation” after being vaccinated against HPV.
Across the ideological board, the judgement of the blogosphere and its commentariat was swift and terrible, and to some of us, delightful. But the best comment I saw was at Hit & Run:
But hey wait not-so-fast: amusing as it may be, Bachmann’s scientific illiteracy doesn’t preclude her winning the nomination. In that crowd, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.