You stay classy, Pat!

Watching one of his brain-damaged, spittle-flecked rants, I’ve sometimes wondered what a regressive, racist old paleocon whackadoo like Pat Buchanan (or if you like, Pat BucKKKanan) is doing as a “political analyst” on a generally liberal-leaning media outlet like MSNBC. But as someone who’s never been afraid of expressing or being challenged by contrarian viewpoints, I assumed he was there for the entertainment value beer.

Today on Hardball, hosted by the Rev. Al Sharpton, Pat demonstrated yet again the uniquely retrograde state of his frontal lobe as they discussed the winners and losers of the debt ceiling debate:

“Boy”?  “Whipped”?  Also loved the “briar patch” reference.  Yep, stay classy there Pat!

UPDATE:  Angry Twitterverse is angry, calls for Buchanan’s dessicated, non-sentient head.



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