What Sick And Disturbed People Indeed–And Let’s Not Forget Hypocrisy–Rant Alert!

With all the media talk on Liberal – NDP merger, this morning’s Gang of 4 with Tea-party Tommy Schnurmacher, Kimmeee Fraser & replacing the absent Trude the Prude Mason was reporter Laura Casella, yanno, the junior wingnut, who is apparently all ga ga for Stevie Spiteful all ganging up on Egbert Gaye.  This episode was particularly disturbing to me. Sick and disturbing. Yep, just listen to Kimmeee cackle, and you would swear this woman lives in a batcave.

Anyhow, for openers, given that they don’t support the merger, like many of the conbot trolls don’t on the CBC pages, I think it’s an idea to be considered. In fact, rule of thumb, my progressive friends, anything that drives the tea-party Harpercon cheerleading faction to the fainting couches is a stroke of genious.

Oh, and Kimmee, please try getting  your facts straight for a change;  there are some in the NDP caucus who are indeed musing about a merger.   Try reading up on the latest about Pat Martin.

Anyhow, they didn’t really elaborate, because the conversation changed quickly. Egbert Gaye started airing concerns about families and how many are living in poverty and how many children in Canada go hungry, and all Tommy, Kimmeee and Laura can do is giggle and cackle at him??? Laura seemed to invoke Chris Alexander, by playing the denial card–she too doesn’t seem to think there’s any poverty in Canada. Oh Laura! And you call yourself a reporter?  My friend’s 6th grader can do a better job than you can, I’m sure.

And speaking of Laura’s irresponsibility, she also appears to be of the faction running for the hills, having swallowed Stevie Spiteful’s kool-aid of how dangerous Canada is and how Canadians are bad people. She embraces Stevie Spiteful’s megaprisons. When Egbert tries to explain how crime is going down and how we don’t need prisons and how Stevie is basically just plain nasty, she indignantly tells him that “at least he’s doing something about it!”  About what?  Unreported crime?  Yeah, ok. Hey Laura! The earth is flat, too.  Laura, go to Stats-Can, as a reporter, you should familiarize yourself with their resources. Is Fox News North really a  career aspiration?  Are Christie Bitchford, Ezzy, the evul Mr. Dressup and the Freudian poster pair of Babs and Johnny Kay really who you should be aspiring to be? Yikes!

As for you Tommy, taxes are not ‘robbing’ people as you put it.  You became religious over the years. Ain’t religion supposed to make you more compassionate toward your fellow man? I’m pretty sure the Torah teaches that.  I don’t think it teaches you to cackle at the misfortune of the poor and the sick.

And finally, on to you, Kimmee, you bloody hypocrite!  How often do we hear you whine and bitch about folks going on EI or on welfare?  Yet, how often have you, yourself, have admitted to having been on welfare, hmm? In fact, if memory serves me correctly,  you’ve been on welfare not once, but twice in your adult life. Yes, boys ‘n’ girls, that is the worst kind of right winger–one who has availed themselves of government aid in their past, yet, would begrudge others to do so, with such relish.  Too bad Egbert never had the balls to call you on it on air.  I honestly hope he does, or at least, someone else from the sane world would.  How sad that your callers forget.  I would, except that I work at a switchboard. Yes, Kimmee, I’m a lefty who does work. Shocking innit?

To think, Anne Lagace Dowson’s great Saturday afternoon show with interviews from great authors, columnists and other interesting people will be replaced by Kimmee’s great intellect which doesn’t surpass things like cookies,  her crazy friend Flo,  and moaning about tipping restaurant wait staff.


By ck

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes