Yep, Orwell’s Bastard has it right. I will go further in guessing that President Obama is not just a wimpocrat, he’s actually a Rethuglican who only became a wimpocrat, probably because he wanted to become America’s first black president. Simple as that. He would never have been able to do that as a Rethuglican–a party where it’s ok to be a black politician–as long as they serve under a white master. See how easy that was? Sad that a far right party, still that racist, won’t embrace anything but a lilly white leader, no matter how ideologically similar they are to them, oh well. Hope the trouble was worth it, Mr. President! I bet Teddy Kennedy must be kicking himself in the grave for having endorsed his candidacy in the Democrat primary to begin with. Enjoy your tea-party hit parade Wimpocrats! They’ll be taking over the insane assylum you call the white house come 2012, where the tea-baggers will not only further sink the American economy, but they’ll sink the world economy as well.